Article: Success

Por: Lipe (Saukerl) Angel Bastos
Título: Success
-                      Psychologists say that people always want some kind of attention, but they better be careful what they wish for. Success can lead people astray and let them at rock bottom cause once you have nothing and you started having things you never thought of, it can consume your mind and make you rough (or rougher than usual).
                    Success should mean "too much stress" cause you can't walk around without a fan begging for some autograph or a photograph, although you don't feel alone surrounded by groups, it helps the self-esteem.
                   When you're famous people eye you, whether you got beauty or not. People shake your hand and kiss you on the cheek like they know personally and immediately you start to think you better than the others, and that's wrong.
                   I grew up hearing that people are famous because they sold their soul to the devil, I heard they make a pact with rituals. There's several different levels to Devil worshipping: horse's head, human sacrifices, cannibalism, candles and exorcism. (Just because I know this you thought I already did that, didn't you?)
                  There are exceptions like Jesus. Jesus was famous but He was always humble, never greedy. Think about it.
                  Till next time.

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9 de agosto de 2011 às 11:27

I love this guy's articles!!! *-*

10 de agosto de 2011 às 20:22

I love them too!! ^^

15 de fevereiro de 2012 às 07:30

מאוד מגניב
