Article: Critics

Por: Lipe (Saukerl) Angel Bastos
Título: Critics
-         Critics.. Critics never got nothing nice to say. Critics never ask how people's day went, all they wanna do is criticize, cause that's probably their only way to get any source of income - Bad mouthing the others.
       But wait, I'm criticizing them so it means I become one. Well, at least I ask how people's day went.
       Who wants to know what is bad about clothes?! Ohh now I get.. women.
      Critics let people feeling down cause all they wanna is offend them somehow (I got a rhyme.. haha). Ask yourself - How many famous people hate critics? At least 99%? What about how many people love them? Their relatives (maybe not). You may be hating me for saying this cause I'm doing the same thing they do, but I don't care.. I really don't..
      It feels like I was put here to annoy the world cause I know I have the right to say something you might not like.
      I like criticizing, but what I think isn't showed in magazines or newspapers. I say whatever I wanna, whether people like or not.
      Well, that's all I wanna say for now.. so bye for now.. Till next time.

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9 de agosto de 2011 às 11:24

This guy nis fucking crazy.. haha

15 de fevereiro de 2012 às 07:21

I luv this man! =D
