Adjetivos em inglês com exemplos

VocabulárioThis is my debut article here at English Experts and I hope to be able to help its readers. I’ve seen loads of great articles here, and this makes me a little bit afraid of writing one. However, we’ve written extensively about not being afraid of talking (or writing) in order to improve. So, this is what I’m doing right now.
Este é meu artigo inaugural aqui no English Experts e espero ser capaz de ajudar os leitores. Já vi muitos artigos ótimos aqui, e isso me dá um pouco de medo de escrever um. Contudo, já escrevemos muito sobre não ter medo de falar (ou escrever) para progredirmos. Então, isso é o que estou fazendo neste momento.
I admit this article is not entirely original, since a list of adjectives with prepositions has already been published here. But as Alessandro challenged his readers to give examples for the adjectives he’d published in the forum, I decided to face it.

I’ve written translations and examples for most of the adjectives in the list (I left out the ones Donay had already worked on), but since studying long lists is not very appealing, I’m including here just a sample of the list. I may send another one as time goes by.
Escrevi traduções e exemplos para a maioria dos adjetivos da lista (deixei fora aqueles com que o Donay já tinha trabalhado), mas já que estudar longas listas não é muito atraente, estou incluindo aqui só uma amostra da lista. Talvez envie outra lista com o passar do tempo.
known for: conhecido por. Ex.: Jim Carrey is known for his participation in comedies.
limited to: limitado a. Ex.: The number of desks in this classroom is limited to 35.
located in: localizado em. Ex.: The store is located in a very quiet neighborhood.
made of: feito de (quando ainda vemos o material de que algo é feito). Ex.: This table is made of wood.
made from: feito de (quando não vemos no produto final o material de que ele é feito): Ex.: Plastic is made from oil.
opposed to: contrário a. Ex.: Everyone in my class is opposed to the death penalty.
patient with: paciente com. Ex.: Please be patient with me. I’m not feeling well.
pleased with (something): feliz/satisfeito com. Ex.: I certainly was pleased with the test results.
pleased for (somebody): feliz por (alguém). Ex.: You’ve passed! I’m so pleased for you!
polite to: gentil com. Ex.: Darling, be polite to your grandma.
prepared for: preparado para. Ex.: Do you think you’re prepared for the test?
protected from: protegido de. Ex.: The condom helps us to be protected from several diseases.
proud of: orgulhoso de. Ex.: He was extremely proud of his son.
qualified for: qualificado para. Ex.: Do you think Jason is qualified for this position?
related to: relacionado com; parente de. Ex.: His impatience is related to his financial situation. / Are you related to Paul?
relevant to: relevante para. Ex.: Do you have any experience that is relevant to this position?
remembered as: lembrado como. Ex.: He wanted to be remembered as an honest politician.
remembered for: lembrado por. Ex.: Shakespeare is best remembered for “Romeo and Juliet”.
Aguardo o feedback de todos nos comentários. Gostaram do artigo?
Sobre o Autor: João B. L. Ghizoni (licenciatura em Letras Português/Inglês, especialização em metodologia do ensino de Inglês, mestrado em Linguística (créditos), cursos de inglês e espanhol no exterior, 25 anos de experiência no ensino de Inglês entre escolas públicas e particulares, cursos de idiomas, pré-vestibulares e faculdades).




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