Usando filmes para aprender Inglês

Por: Dimensao Tech
Some thoughts about using movies to develop English
A intenção desse pequeno artigo é dar algumas dicas em como usar filmes para aprender Inglês. Saiba mais..
Porque este texto esta em inglês ? (Clique aqui)

1. I would choose movies that are easy to understand without using the
subtitles. I have mixed feelings about using English subtitles … not
sure how effective they are actually. I know that the subtitles don’t
always say exactly the same thing that the people are saying, so
that’s a problem.

2. Before you watch a movie, read the summary,
Anything you do to develop some “background” information
about the movie before you watch it will help make it understandable
and more effective for language development.

3. Watch movies – and TV programs, especially from the Public
Broadcasting System (PBS) in the U.S. – that come from books. Read the
book and watch the movie.

4. Watch movies that “tell stories” rather than depend on a lot of
action and special effects. These are easier to follow. You get to
know the characters and the situation better. And they are “richer” in

5. the iTunes Store is a good source for movies and TV programs. I
also know that the iTunes U section of the iTunes Store now has some
things from PBS, the Smithsonian, etc. in the “Beyond the Campus”
section. For example, you can get the complete Ken Burns movie, “The
War”, about WW II there and its free!
Wrote by: Warren (Web Page)

Transcript by: Eduardo Gonçalves (
Web Page)

Good links:

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