Intermediário 6. CONJUNCTIONS – Purpose


Main clause + infinitive + …
Main clause + in order to + infinite + …

Looks at these sentences:

John moved to another house to live near Jane.
John moved to another house in order to live near Jane.

Note: We can use the infinitive to show purpose. This is the most common use in the positive form.

Main clause + in order to + not + infinitive + …
In the negative we only use the in order to form.
John moved to another house in order not to live near Jane.

Main clause + so that / in order that + clause]
Look at these sentences:
John moved to another house so that his old mother could visit him easily.
John moved to another house in order that his old mother could visit him easily.
After so that / in order that, we usually use a modal verb.
If the main verb is present or present perfect, we use can, will, may.
If the main verb is past, we use could, would, might.

1) We use these clauses to say why someone did something.
2) To /in order to - we use this form when the person is doing something for him/herself. Example: John went to the museum to see the jewels from ancient Rome. In this example, John wanted to see the jewels.
3) So that / in order that - we use this form when the subject after so that or in order that is different from the subject in the other part of the sentence. Example: John moved to another house so that his old mother could visit him easily. In this example, John move to another house for his old mother.

Math the parts if these sentences.

1) They studied late
a) to get a good seat for the game
2) Mary will buy the tickets
b) so that his fried will think he is rich
3) Fred did a lot of tennis practice
c) to finish the work on time
4) Janet works hard
d) to ride in the park with my friend
5) I've come early
e) so that you will do some exercise
6) I've bought you a bicycle
f) in order to win the important tennis match
7) I've bought a bicycle
g) so that her boss will give her more money
8) He goes to that restaurant
h) so that John can go to the theater with her



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