Lesson 8 - Curso de Ingles Rapido

Artigo Definido

Só existe uma forma “the” (o, a, os, as) que é usada quando está claro a que pessoa ou coisa nos referimos.  É empregado antes de substantivos masculinos ou femininos, singulares ou plurais:  the sky, the boys, the girls, the rain, the clouds.

What’s the name of this street?
My office is on the first floor.
What’s the time?

Com nomes de canais, rios, mares e oceanos:

The Atlantic Ocean
The Nile
The Suez Canal

Não usamos the com as palavras television, breakfast, lunch, dinner, next e last:

What did you do last summer?
What time do you usually have dinner?
Do you like to watch television?

Também não usamos the diante de nomes de lugares (continentes, países, cidades, ilhas):

France is a very large country.
China is in Asia.

Mas usamos the em nomes como Republic (república), States (estados), Kingdom (reino):

The Irish Republic
The United States of America
The United Kingdom

Em geral não se usa the diante de nomes de ruas, edifícios, aeroportos, universidades, castelos, estações e lugares dentro de uma cidade:

Kevin lives in Newton Street.
Times Square is in New York.
Kennedy airport

Victoria Station

London Zoo

Mas usamos the com nomes de restaurantes, cinemas, teatros, hotéis, bares, museus:

The Hilton (Hotel)   /     The National Theatre    /    The Star of India (restaurant)

Past Continuous

Expressa o que estava acontecendo num ponto do passado ou uma ação em andamento quando outra aconteceu.  É formado pelas formas verbais do verbo to be no passado  (was/were) mais verbo principal acrescido de –ing:

What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?
You were doing your lesson when I called.
As the man was looking at the picture, the thief stole his wallet.

Também pode expressar duas ações que ocorriam simultaneamente:

While Barbara was swimming, I was playing soccer.


I.              Put in the where necessary:

We called _______police last night.

Do you live near ________city center?

I watch __________television a lot.

Who´s ________best player in your team?

Do you drive on ______right or on ______left in your country?

______sky is blue and ______sun is shining.

______water boils at 100C.

______water in this bottle is cold.

My brother is a soldier. He´s in ______army.

He goes to _______Queen Elizabeth airport.

            Those people live in ________Netherlands.

II.            Put the verbs into the past continuous:

At 4 o´clock yesterday, Sara wasn´t at home. She __________(play) tennis.

What _______you ________(do) at 11:30 yesterday?

What did he say? I don´t know. I ____________(not- listen)

In 1995 we _____________(live) in Canada.

She _________(wear) trousers last night.

The phone rang while he __________(read) a novel.

Jenny fell asleep while she ___________(study)



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