Lesson 6 - Curso de Ingles Rapido

Simple Past

Expressa uma ação terminada e realizada num passado definido (isto é, em geral vem acompanhado de advérbios como yesterday, last night, last month, last year, two days ago, when, while).  Todos os verbos em inglês pertencem a uma das duas conjugações: ou são regulares ou são irregulares.  Os regulares formam o passado com o acréscimo de -ed enquanto os irregulares possuem uma forma própria para o passado.  Assim, são regulares verbos como:

Work ® worked            Mary worked at Coca-Cola Company in 1998.
Travel ® travelled                           They travelled to Jamaica last year.
Dance ® Danced                           We danced all night long.

E são irregulares:

            Begin ® began                               The game began earlier last night.
            Fall ® Fell                                       The boy fell off the tree this morning.
            Buy ® Bought         I bought a book for my cousin Ana two days ago.
Para uma lista completa de verbos irregulares veja o apêndice dessa apostila.
Há apenas uma forma no passado para todas as pessoas. Para se formar uma frase no passado interrogativo usa-se o auxiliar did (invertendo-o com o sujeito); para formar uma frase negativa usa-se did not = didn’t.  O verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem o to:
Did Morris walk 100 miles yesterday?
Did you receive the letter?
They didn’t like you at all.
Her parents did not approve of her boyfriend.


1.    Verbos que terminam em y precedidos de consoante mudam para –ied:  Cry ® cried
2.    Verbos que terminam em y precedidos de consoante apenas recebem o ed:  play ® played
3.    O verbo to be, por ser anômalo, não segue o mesmo modelo de conjugação dos outros verbos no passado.  Lembre-se de que as interrogativas são formadas mediante inversão sujeito-verbo e as negativas com o acréscimo de not. Tem no passado a seguinte conjugação:

I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were

            4.  As contractions do verbo to be na negativa são wasn’t e weren’t.


I.  Complete the blanks with the simple past:

I ________(be) tired last night.

I ________(clean) my teeth this morning.

_______(be) you at the party last November?

She ________(clean) her house this morning.

How ______the boy _______(break) his leg? He ______(fall) off his bike.

What _____you ______(read) before going to bed yesterday?

Those clothes are nice. _______(be) they expensive?

We _______(do) a lot of work yesterday.

What _____you ______last Saturday night? We ________(dance) all night long.

Yesterday it _________(rain) all morning. It _________(stop) at lunchtime.

______She _______(go) away last week?

I _______(play) tennis yesterday, but I _______(not- win)

We _________(not – have) a car.

_______you ______ the shopping? No, I _______.

I ________(see) Barbara, but I __________(not-see) Jane.

Last year Rachel ______23, now she´s 24.



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