Lesson 21 - Curso de Ingles Rapido

Relative Clauses

As relative clauses correspondem às orações adjetivas.  Para formulá-las, usamos 3 conjunções com o sentido usual do “que” em português, mas distintas em inglês.  São elas:

Who:  usada para pessoas. Exemplos:

I met a woman. She can speak 6 languages.
I met a woman who can speak 6 languages.

Which:  usada para coisas:

An aeroplane is a machine.  It flies.
An aeroplane is a machine which flies.

That:  usada para pessoas e/ou coisas:

I met a woman that can speak 6 languages.
An aeroplane is a machine that flies.

Quando essas três conjunções são o sujeito da frase subordinada, elas são obrigatórias.  Quando são o objeto, são opcionais.  Compare:

Jim was wearing a hat that was too big for him. (that = sujeito da frase)
The people (who) we met were very nice (who = objeto direto)

Na última frase não poderíamos omitir “who”.


I.              Put in who or which:

A thief is a person _______steals things.
Do you know anybody ________can play the piano?
Emma lives in a house _______is 500 years old.
The people ______work in that office are very friendly.
That is the car _______Jim bought yesterday.
They are the women _________came to our party.

II.            Are these sentences right or wrong?

The bag that he is carrying is very heavy.
Have you seen the photographs who Ann took?
Did you find the book that you wanted?
The film who we saw was very good.



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