Lesson 12 - Curso de Ingles Rapido

Present Perfect

Tempo verbal composto com o auxiliar to have + past participle (particípio passado) do verbo principal.  O particípio passado dos verbos regulares em inglês é formado acrescentando-se –ed, enquanto os verbos irregulares têm uma forma própria:

Like ® liked (verbo regular)
Run ® Run (verbo irregular)

Present Perfect do verbo comer (irregular) em inglês
I have eaten
I have not eaten
Have I eaten?
You have eaten
You have not eaten
Have you eaten?
He has eaten
He has not eaten
Has he eaten?
She has eaten
She has not eaten
Has she eaten?
It has eaten
It has not eaten
Has it eaten?
We have eaten
We have not eaten
Have we eaten?
You have eaten
You have not eaten
Have you eaten?
They have eaten
They have not eaten
Have they eaten?


1.    Na afirmativa, as formas contraídas do auxiliar to have são:  I’ve, You’ve, He’s, She’s, It’s, We’ve, You’ve, They’ve.  Não confunda as formas das 3as pessoas do singular que acabam em “s” com as contrações do verbo to be que têm a mesma forma.  O contexto dirá qual forma está sendo usada.
2.    Na negativa, as formas contraídas são haven’t e hasn’t.
3.    As short answers são formadas com o auxiliar have:

-Have you ever been abroad?
-Yes, I have.
-No, I haven’t.

 Usos do Present Perfect

1.     Expressar uma ação que aconteceu num passado recente, porém não determinado.  O importante não é quando algo aconteceu, mas a comunicação do fato em si e os seus reflexos no momento presente:

I have painted the room.

2.     Uma ação que acabou de acontecer, caso em que se usa o advérbio just.  Outros advérbios comumente usados neste caso são already, yet, ever, never:

He has just arrived.
He has already painted the room.
Has she washed the car yet?
You haven’t washed the car yet.
Have you ever been to Moscow?
I have never been to Moscow.

3.     Expressar uma ação repetida em várias ocasiões de um passado indeterminado:

I have lost my keys several times.

4.     Indicar que uma certa ação ou estado tem se desenvolvido desde (since...) certo momento do passado, ou há certo tempo (for...), até o momento presente.  Ação que começou no passado e continua até o momento presente:

Brazil has been a Republic since1889.
Brazil has been a Republic for more than one hundred years.
            Mary’s learned ballet since she was a child.


I.              Complete with the Present Perfect:

He ___________(clean) his shoes.

I __________(lose) my keys. I cannot find them!

Where´s Linda? She ___________(go) to bed.

We ____________(buy) a new car.

It´s Rachel´s birthday tomorrow, and I __________(not-buy) a present to her.

_________you __________(finish) with the newspaper?

They ________just _________(arrive).

Margaret __________(buy) a new dress, but she ____________(not-wear) it yet.

______Ann ever _______(be) to Australia?

How long _______you _______(know) her?

How long _______he ________(have) his car?



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